Why a Roof Evaluation is Vital for Your Home
As you might know by now, water penetration from a roof leak, if allowed to continue unchecked will eventually increase the moisture levels in your home.
Seeping water not only creeps into wooden structures but also into hidden nooks filled insulation and other absorbent building materials as well.
What with the all these modern and energy-efficient materials inside most homes today; excess moisture becomes trapped and can take an extremely long time to evaporate.
This makes a perfect breeding ground for wood-eating fungus and wood rot of all kinds and in addition will accelerate the growth of common molds and mildews.
About Water Leak Damage
The image below tells the true story. As long as water can drip down into your home, the more the surrounding wooden structures and panel will dry rot, which lets in even more water to pour inside your home, office or building.
It only takes a 20% moisture level (i.e. wood that is damp to the touch) for dry rot to begin “fruiting” and to start sending out fine, microscopic strands of gray fungus into surrounding wood fibers.
And once established in an ideal environment, a wood fungus can grow as fast as 9 to 10 feet in a year’s time and pass through microscopic cracks inside brick!
Think about it …while kudzu vines can grow at a rate of 60 feet a year here in the South, even they can’t penetrate masonry walls!
Residential Construction Projects
- Homes (Complete Turn-Key Building)
- Additions and Expansions
- Renovations and remodeling Interior and Exterior
Residential (Steep) Roofing Project
- Asphalt shingles
- Copper
- Metal Roofs
- Slate, Wood Shake, Tile
Residential (Flat) Roofing
Single-ply membranes **
** Note: We could spell out the words to terms like EPDM (ethylene propylene diene monomer) but even with all our years of experience, I had to look this one up.
A better method is to understand that Single Ply Membrane (or ‘rolled roofing’ as you might have heard it called) is divided into 3 main categories: EPDM, TPO & PVC — all have long, chemical names, but even fussy architects or picky engineers don’t use them.
Not certain I had ever seen them written out until I Googled them. But if you have to know – TPO stands for Thermoplastic Polyolefin and PVC for Polyvinyl chloride. Each type of membrane has it own advantages and disadvantages for use on your home’s roof.
Check out this short video to understand when your roof might need to be inspected.
(Sorry about the digital picture quality… we haven’t quit roofing and building to go Hollywood yet!)
So why wait? Call us today for a professional building evaluation at 1-800-329-8338 .